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Meaning arising out of mutual understanding inspires action!

Vertical Journeys is the "soul-child" of Summer Meyer (MPA/MIM). Her journey in life started in psychology and education, incorporating eastern philosophy and energy medicine, and landed in sustainability and the art of metal crafting.


Summer was drawn to the name Vertical Journeys because of her life-long desire to explore and encourage awareness. A vertical journey is a journey where the senses turn inward to explore "being" and outward to see the bigger picture. A horizontal journey is a sojourn to enjoy what the physical senses bring to life - equally important and a lot is to be learned from that angle - but Summer's passion lies in highlighting the immense possibilities of vertical journeys.


While looking at life as a vertical journey, we can see the larger system when moving outward, while we simultaneously pay attention to the smallest detail with an inward focus. This lights up a situation in such a way that we find new hope, new resolve, new reservoirs of strength, and new solutions.


A vertical journey can be defined as being on a path where meaning arises out of mutual understanding - meaning is taken inward as it is transformed into understanding, and then outward as it moves into action.

Vertical Journeys offers outward facing services

  • Business consulting - expertise in sustainable and organizational development.

  • Interior Design consulting - healing for the soul.


Vertical Journeys offers inward facing services

  • "The World and Me" - an interactive experience in the form of a children's book, which a focus on learning to think of the world as an integrated whole (in progress).

  • Mindfulness and Life Coaching.

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